Where can I receive my order?

You can receive it at the address you indicated as "shipping address" at the time of your order (home, office, etc.).

How is the shipment?

Deliveries in Italy are made by Express Courier from Monday to Friday.

You can track your shipment by requesting the customer service shipping code.

It is not possible to choose the time or day of delivery, so it is advisable to indicate an address where someone is always present on weekdays. If the courier doesn't find anyone at the address provided, he makes a second attempt. Then the package returns to our warehouses.

In phase of purchase, in the shipment screen, it is prayed to compile in precise way the field "address", indicating: street, civic number, locality, cap. and telephone number. Payment by cash on delivery, implies a cost of 8 euros.

Orders placed during the weekend, will be processed from Monday.

How long does it take the order to arrive?

The shipment is made the day after the completion of the order and the delivery is made within 2/14 working days depending on the country of delivery.

Although Florencemoon cannot guarantee punctuality, all goods are delivered within a maximum of 30 days from the date of confirmation of receipt of the purchase.

In periods of sales and other peaks, times may be extended.

What are the shipping costs?

The withdrawal in store is free. For home shipments, costs depend on the geographical area and the amount of the order.

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